Micro-Ostéo Digitale ®

The Micro-Ostéo Digitale ®

can accompany and take care of the person throughout his life. It begins even before the conception and continues in the belly of the mother, then after the birth, at all ages, until the last days of existence. This gentle and attentive approach is without any danger: it promotes the blooming of the baby in the belly of his mother, just as it is very effective in the old days.

It is an attentive, respectful approach, adapted to each case, to each person, to each age. It is humble and intelligent at the service of the patient. Its purpose is not to impose a preconceived treatment from the outside, but to adapt each time to the needs of the suffering body or of the one who wishes to remain in good health.
From beginning to end of life, Micro-Osteo Digitale ®is there to allow the body to find in itself the ability to heal itself by "letting the internal forces of the body act" and rid it of useless and annoying tensions.
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